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2024 Fathers Day Picnic

Watch the Urban Gratitude video below

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The Urban was very fortunate to receive a One-Time Community Grant from the
Winnipeg Foundation for our "Strength within Community" program. 


From October 17, 2019 - January 29, 2020, our Co-ed Sharing Circles, Men's Group
Sharing Circles and Women's Sharing Circles had the expertise of a number
of facilitators who led discussions on many topics and encouraged the sharing of stories.


Check out the URBAN media page 


Pictures and videos of events, fellowship and fun

video and photos from the URBAN 

This Urban documentary was made available through a grant provided by the ACTS of the MNO.

HOPE is never lost

Watch the video here

Welcome to the Lutheran Urban Ministry!

We welcome all because God welcomes all, regardless of age, ability, health, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expressions, language, sexual orientation, life circumstances, marital status, race, or anything else which sometimes divides us. The Urban is committed to racial equity. We welcome diversity and uniqueness. Our unity is in Christ, whose grace is freely given to all. All are welcome. The Lutheran Urban Ministry Corp. is a member of Reconciling Works – Lutherans for Full Participation


As a beloved child of God, you are welcome here. All are welcome here!



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Gratitude to Harvest Manitoba for the grant from the “Food and Equipment Grant Program” made possible through the Food Banks Canada Emergency Food Security Fund to agencies in the Community Food Network around Manitoba to meet urgent food security needs related to the pandemic.

Copyright © 2018 - Lutheran Urban Ministry       WEBSITE CREATED BY Fate Communications 

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